“Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
When we steward our health well, we feel good and become the best version of ourselves.
If we want to do all we can for the kingdom we should be able to do anything, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
If we are limited by our health we are limiting the ways God can use us, he will still be able to use us, but in a limited capacity.
The Proverbs 31 woman is a great example of stewarding health well. “She is energetic and strong, a hard worker.” Proverbs 31:17
Don’t you want to have no physical limitations with your body (that you can help, you may never be able to dunk a basketball at 5’2’ because of genetics), to feel good, to be pain free, to walk without losing your breath so easily, to be free from the burden of doctors visits and medications that you have been told you need to be on for the rest of your life, to live your life to the fullest because you have no limitations as to what you can do or what you can enjoy?
Good health will create a better version of yourself…you will be happier, more positive, have more energy, feel better, be sick less often, be less stressed.
This will translate into you being your best self for your family, your friends and others you come into contact with in your daily life.
We’ve all been given one life and one body, we must steward it well.
Now that you see the importance of stewarding your health, not just for yourself, but also for your family, friends, and the kingdom’s sake, let’s look at how to steward your health.
1. Make it a priority
Your health has to become a priority before you can ever begin to steward it. If you don’t believe your health is of great importance, then changes that need to be made will never be made.
When you begin to believe in something you will do almost anything necessary to bring about what it is you believe in.
Once you believe your health is a necessary part of living your best life, free of physical pain and limitations, you will begin to do something about it.
2. Commit to taking time for yourself
Stewarding your health takes time.
There are no quick fixes, or easy ways out. You have to put in the work, but like I talked about above, it will be worth it!
Not very often do we like to take time for ourselves without feeling guilty or selfish.
But when we are taking time for our health it will positively affect everyone else around us and every other aspect of our life. That’s not selfish, that’s necessary.
So make that commitment right now by looking at your schedule and seeing where you can fit in time for yourself through exercise, healthy eating, more sleep, less stress, more water consumption, etc.
Once you’ve made the commitment, next you need a plan.
3. Planning is everything
Without a plan you just have an idea that will go nowhere.
Start with looking at what days and times you have free to fit in some sort of exercise this week, and then scheduling that into your calendar.
This physical activity could be as simple as taking your dog on a walk, or as intense as a crossfit session. Do whatever you think you will enjoy.
Next take 30 minutes the night before and plan your healthy meals for the following day.
A few other health markers you want to consider are your sleep and stress.
I wrote an entire email series on these four health markers, nutrition, sleep, stress and fitness.
If you haven’t already received this free email series click here to sign up for that now. You will get step by step detailed instructions on how to jumpstart and incorporate each of these things into your life right now.
4. Make it fit your lifestyle
You want this to become a lifestyle change, not just something you do for a few months, and then go back to your old ways and habits.
Take a look at your lifestyle and the things you enjoy along with the things that can’t be compromised.
Next look at the areas that can be compromised, the areas you’re willing to fix or make better.
Work on those areas and begin slowly so that habits are formed and you truly are implementing a lifestyle change.
5. Make it a habit
Habits are the only things that last. If you begin doing something new but never actually form a habit, you will never stick with it.
Start with one thing, and once you have mastered that, look at something else you want to improve. Work on that next thing until you have mastered that as well. Then pick a new thing.
It doesn’t have to be complicated, keep it simple and you will notice big changes.
Here is a list of ideas:
Increase water consumption
Substitute whole wheat pasta for regular pasta
Go on a 10 minute walk in the morning
Go to bed 1 hour earlier (If you do this each day you will gain an entire night of sleep by the end of the week)
Take 10 minutes in the morning to plan your day
Substitute the cookie for your snack with a fruit or veggie
When you feel good and are taking care of your body you will be able to do more for the kingdom, look to others and serve them more easily, hear from God because you aren’t so focused on negative aspects of your health, that for good reason are always at the forefront of your mind, and just become the best version of yourself.
Taking care of your body means your physical, mental, and emotional well being; each one is crucial and directly tied to overall health.