“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12
We are given a limited time on this earth so we must make that time count!
I know we’ve all heard the saying that everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. It’s just how we prioritize those hours that determines what our typical day looks like. How are you using your 24 hours to truly live out your purpose?
“Be very careful, then, how you live- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15-16
So How Can You Steward Your Time Well?
I am going to highlight one way I’ve been able to steward my time recently that has completely changed my productivity. It’s called block scheduling.
Block scheduling is taking specific times throughout your day and dedicating that time to something you want to get done. Once the time you’ve scheduled runs out you move onto the next task on your list and work on that specific task until time runs out again.
Instead of working on a couple different tasks throughout your day and maybe getting them done, or maybe not, with this system you are ensuring you will get them done by dedicating time to just one task.
Or if you’re on the other side where you have an idea of what you want to get done but never actually write them out or never actually seem to have time to get it done, this will allow you to schedule top priority tasks and will ensure you actually get them done.
Block scheduling also helps minimize stress and burnout that come from trying to do too much, think of your most hectic days where you feel you have a million things to do, are being pulled in a million different directions and can’t concentrate on anything except for the fact that you aren’t superwoman.
“The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.” Proverbs 21:5
I’ve mentioned this many times before, but I’ve always loved lists and planning. I knew I could improve on my time management however, so when I came across time blocking I was so excited by how much it changed my life and my productivity levels!
Okay now that you’re itching to get started, here’s how to create your own block schedule.
1. Create a to-do list
Create a list of everything you want to get done for the week. Once that’s done choose items from the list and split them into 5-7 groups. However many days you want to dedicate during the week to working on these tasks. Label your groups by the day of the week you plan on working on those specific tasks.
2. Create your block schedule
Schedule out each of your days from above by first filling in everything you already have for that specific day; work, doctors appts, kids games/activities, coffee dates, lunch dates, etc.
Do this for every day you’ve listed in the previous step. Next look at the free slots for each day, these specific times are where you will begin filling in some of those tasks from step 1.
Here’s an example of what mine looks like.
I’m a stay at home mom so my schedule is typically pretty free, except I’m also a business owner so it’s not as free as it looks 😉
5:30-7:30- Morning Routine
7:30- Get Axel up
9-10- Axel Doctor Appt
1-3- Axel nap, Business
5- Make dinner
5:30-7:30- Morning Routine
7:30- Get Axel up
10:30-12- Play date
1-3- Axel nap, Business
5- Make dinner
5:30-7:30- Morning Routine
7:30- Get Axel up
1-3- Axel nap, Business
5- Make dinner
5:30-7:30- Morning Routine
7:30- Get Axel up
1-3- Axel nap, Business
5- Make dinner
5:30-7:30- Morning Routine
7:30- Get Axel up
1-3- Axel nap, Business
5- Dinner Date with friends/family (more on this in next weeks blog post)
5:30-7:30- Morning Routine
7:30- Get Axel up
3. Choose 2 tasks on your list as top priority items
Choose two tasks from each of your 5-7 groups as top priority items. Schedule those two tasks first into your free times for each of your days of the week. Dedicate ½ hour, 1 hour, or longer to these tasks, and once the designated time runs out stop working on the tasks and go onto what you usually do next in your day.
4. Schedule Less Vital Tasks
Do you have more free blocks? Choose some other less vital tasks you would like to accomplish to fill those time slots on the days you may have more free time.
Now here’s an example of what mine looks like.
5:30-6:00- Church tasks
6:00-6:30- Blog post
6:30-7:30- God time
7:30- Get Axel up
9-10- Axel Doctor Appt
1-3- Axel nap, Business
3-4- Workout
5- Make dinner, and new recipe
5:30-6:00- Church tasks
6:00-6:30- Blog post
6:30-7:30- God time
7:30- Get Axel up
9-10- Cleaning
10:30-12- Play date
1-3- Axel nap, Business
3-4- Workout
5- Make dinner
7-Outdoor tasks
5:30-6:30- Blog post
6:30-7:30- God time
7:30- Get Axel up
1-3- Axel nap, Business, work on top secret event
5- Make dinner
5:30-6:30- Blog post
6:30-7:30- God time
7:30- Get Axel up
1-3- Axel nap, Business
3-4- Workout
5- Make dinner
5:30-6:30- Blog post
6:30-7:30- God time
7:30- Get Axel up
8:30-12- Grocery Shopping
1-3- Axel nap, Business
3-4- Workout
5- Dinner date with friends/family
6:30-7:30- God Time
7:30- Get Axel up
9-12- Spring Cleaning
1-2- Workout
As you can see using a system like this will greatly increase your productivity. It will also help you to feel more energized, less stressed, and give you greater clarity on where your focus needs to be.
When you can focus on just one task at a time you will be able to give yourself fully to that one task, rather then trying to complete that task while doing a million other things and not doing any of them well or to your full potential.
This will also allow you to more easily say no to things you see you can’t commit to time wise. Which will then allow you to fully commit and give your best self to the “yes’s” you have already committed to.
“As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” John 9:4
Block scheduling can also work inside your schedule for certain things. For example, I use it during my business time to schedule and work on top priority tasks, and accomplish more in my limited time I get to work on my business. I also use a daily block schedule system for my cleaning.
I will do 1-2 cleaning items each day split across the entire week so I can spend less time each day and still get the same amount done in a week.
Here’s one that you may like:
Monday: Laundry
Tuesday: Bathroom
Wednesday: Spiderwebs and Dusting
Thursday: Vacuum and Mop
Friday: Laundry, catch up day
Saturday: Kitchen appliances
You can make this type of scheduling fit your lifestyle and your needs. It doesn’t need to be as thorough as mine or could be even more thorough. Customize it to fit your needs and automatically increase your productivity levels.
I want to hear from you? What are your time management strategies?